Tuesday, August 3, 2010


-Knock, Knock?
-Who's There?
-Interrupting Cow.
-Interupting Co...


Hehe, It's a bad joke, but I had a picture of this cow, so why not? This cow was born a few days ago. Can you imagine having a baby that big???

On Monday we all went on a tour at the Church Dairy Farm in Elberta. It was pretty cool!

We all got milk mustaches and "Got Milk?" Stickers...Ryan had his milk mustache on upside down, so it doesn't look quite right.

Ridge (my nephew) had his milk mustache on wrong too, but he was cute with it on his forehead. Ridge LOOOOVES Cows, so he was in heaven! When he saw all the cows, he would "OOOO" and "AAAAH" and was soooo excited to see them!

This is what the milk mustache's were supposed to look like. Chandler and Tate's milk mustaches look pretty real in this picture.

We all wore some fashionable booties while walking around the farm.

The machines they use to milk all the cows. They milk 160 cows every 40 mins. and they have over 5,000 cows there. That's a lot milk!

After the Dairy Farm, we went 4 wheeling! That was my first time 4 wheeling and it was a lot of fun!

Here's Ridge playing on the trailer while people were out riding. He's such a cutie when he's not screaming his head off! He's adorable!

Ryan had a lot of fun on the ATV's

For my first time riding, I went with Ryan, but it wasn't as enjoyable as when I went alone. But we had a lot of fun!

Later that day we played Settlers of Catan then watched Terminator Salvation. It's been a lot of fun having Tammy, James and Ridge in town. We never get to see them, so it's nice being able to hang out for a few days.

On Thursday, we have a Woodruff/Martin Family Reunion up at Bear Lake. I'm way excited for it to hang out with cousins, aunts, uncles and everyone else! I'll definitely have a lot of pictures to post when I get back from the Reunion. That's all for now!


  1. LOVE THIS! ridge does look like a cutie! i never knew you could take a dairy farm tour, ha!

  2. I'm soooooooo jealous. I would LOVE to go hang out at the dairy farm!
