Sunday, June 26, 2011


Yesterday was Kara's(my SIL) Baby Shower! They already have a boy, but she's currently pregnant with a little baby girl, so that gives us all reason to celebrate and get her some girl stuff! I took a ton of pictures yesterday, but apparently I suck at taking pictures, because pretty much all of them were here are a few pictures from the shower.
Kara! And yes, this is a blurry picture, but it's the best one that I took.

Tammy had some games planned, this one we tried to guess how big Kara's belly was with string and we also had a game where we had to guess what was in baby food jars.

Some of the people at the party and a picture of all the fun presents that she got!

 And sadly, those are the only O.K. pictures, epic fail on my part. :(

As for today, Ryan and I were called to be Nursery Teachers!! 

We found out this morning and when they told us about being called to Nursery, I think both of us were surprised. Neither of us have taught Nursery before, but it will be a fun adventure. Today we sat in with another Nursery class to kind of get the gist of what to do, it was actually pretty fun! This Ward is way organized and has specific things to every 20 mins. or so, to help the kids stay entertained, which will make our jobs easier! The ages of kids for Nursery are 18 months to 4 years old, and Ryan and I will be teaching the youngest! hahaha so we'll have the "fun" part of children transitioning into Nursery(a part that I'm not too excited about) but the kids are sooooo dang cute! The class we were in today had 1 or 2 of the kids that will be in our class and they are adorable! Our ward already has 4 Nursery classes and our class will be the 5th! Our class with start out with 4 or 5 kids, but by the end of the year we should have 11 or 12...crazy! Church will be very different from now on, spending an hour in Sacrament and then 2 hours with some toddlers. We're excited/scared and hopeful that we'll do well with this calling. If anything, people always say that teaching in Nursery is a good "birth control", I guess we'll find out!

Today was also the monthly McCorristin family dinner and Ryan and I were "in charge" of this months dinner, so we decided to do a Breakfast Pajama Dinner. So we dressed in Pajamas and all did Breakfast foods! We had pancakes, eggs, hasbrowns, sausage and bacon, orange juice and homemade cinnamon rolls for dessert! There were a lot of people missing tonight, so it was a smaller group, but it was still pretty fun! We also played Wacky Six and had a pretty chill night!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Slip N Slide!

 For Josh's First Birthday Party they did a water party.
Josh enjoyed destroying his cake!
It was a lot of fun, for the kids there was a little kiddy pool and some sprinkler toys and once we had all eaten and the kids were down for naps or inside, the "bigger" kids got to play on the Slip N Slide! We did this a few summers ago and it was a lot of fun so they decided to do it again. Ryan was excited to show off his "jumping over people while sliding" skills. It was a pretty relaxing day with BarBQing, a little bit of volleyball, Slip N Sliding, water balloon fights and hanging with friends.

Ryan jumping over Zink.

Bethany tried to jump over Rhett but it didn't work out so well, she should have asked how Ryan was doing it before she tried to do it.
Rhett tried as well, but used his knees instead of using his arms to propel himself forward.

Bethany and Ria posing for the camera.

Ria and Ricky sliding together.

Bethany trying to surf down but fell after a second.

Ryan jumping over Bethany...

Ryan jumping over Bethany and Ria...

And Ryan jumping over Bethany, Ria and Rhett!
 After having some fun with friends, Ryan and I went to go see The Green Lantern. Ryan loved it of course and I thought it was really good, but the bad guy is really scary. And I know the bad guys are supposed to be bad, but the villains were really dark and scary for a comic book movie. I don't know, I liked it but it wasn't my most favorite. We had a lot of fun though and I'm glad that it's finally starting to look like summer, well, kind of. Yesterday it was really gloomy and looked like it was going to rain at one point, but then the sun came out so people could enjoy the water games!

It's about freakin time!

Looong story short...We finally have internet! We have been dealing with our HOA, the builder, the internet company for the past month to figure out why our fiber optics in our whole building wasn't working and it was finally fixed! Thank goodness! I feel so out of the loop, but now I can start catching up on a lot of things. I have too many things that I haven't blogged about the last month or so and I don't remember all of them, so I'll only update on stuff that I have pictures of, here we go!

Bethany and I made a countdown chain for when our friend Max gets home from his mission!

I got some bar-stools from a yard sale for FREE!
They needed a little TLC so I recovered them, spray painted and added a few screws. They were pretty much falling apart when I got them, that's why the lady just gave them to me.

The finished product!

A darker fabric that hopefully won't show as much stains. Not too bad for getting them for free!
Ryan's brother Jeremy graduated from PT School and we celebrated his and Kara's hard work!

And Jeremy passed his exam to become a Physical Therapist, so now he's officially a Doctor! Congrats Jeremy!

Ryan had a Guys Game Night with some of his brothers. They had a lot of fun!
A lot more happened within the last month but if I don't have a picture for it, I usually don't remember! But we also had our nephew Sawyers First Birthday Party that we went to up in Ogden and our niece Emma's First Birthday Party as well within the last few weeks. I'm sure there's a lot more that has happened, but I have forgotten.

On a side note: I love our new washer and dryer. We were without a washer and dryer for a month and it was too long!