Sunday, October 23, 2011

Footloose and FOOD!

 Yesterday Bethany, Jacie and I got together to eat lunch and go see Footloose. It was a lot of fun just hanging out and catching up with just the three of us. Footloose was pretty good for a remake movie and it was a lot of fun!
We got to theatre just in time for the previews, but we wanted to take a quick picture before. This was the result of no flash and me spilling a full cup of ice water on Bethany as I moved in to take the picture. I can't help but laugh everytime I see this picture!
Me and B
The weather was perfect outside! So pretty!
Ok, why do I have such gorgeous friends? Their hair is blowing in the wind and they look like models, and I'm just in the middle haha I love them!

 After hanging out with them Ryan came and picked me up to head to Tucanos for my Free Birthday Meal! It's one of my favorite times of the year where we get to go to Tucanos and pig out on delicious meat! This time we went with Jeremy and Kara and the kids because Jeremy's Birthday is also in October so we were able to go together! It was a lot of fun and the kids are growing up so fast. With my old job I would usually see Kara once a week and go to her place for one of my lunch breaks, but now that I have a normal job with normal hours, that doesn't happen :( But it was great spending time with them and they got to see how much meat I really do eat when I go to Tucanos (a little embarrassing, but whatevs)
Kara, Addi and Curtis (I think Jeremy was at the Salad bar when I took this pic)
Kara and Addi, she's getting so big!
This picture makes her look like she's got huge cheeks, but she doesn't, but her blue eyes are so gorgeous!
Me and Ryan
 It was a great Saturday! Fun with friends, family and good food, can't ask for more!

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