Thursday, January 20, 2011

Very Blessed.

Now that I'm working full-time, all I do is sleep, wake up, go to work, come home and sleep (repeat 6 days a week) 
My amazing husband.
This is only my second week, but Ryan is already picking up all my slack! Since Ryan is the first one home (he gets off at 2:30pm) he has started making dinner for everyone, which we all appreciate. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I work late til 8pm so my work feeds us (which is a pretty awesome perk! On Tuesdays our Team Leader pays for whatever dinner they buy us and on Thursdays the whole company gets catered and the company that caters for us is Andrea's family's business, kind of cool) so on those days I don't eat at home with everyone else, so they can make stuff with disgusting onions and stuff, so they're happy about that.

On top of Ryan making dinner, he has also helped me out a ton with Laundry. Tonight I got home and found Ryan in our room folding laundry (Boy do I love that guy!) I've always hated doing laundry, but Ryan has apparently hated doing it even more, so I've always been the one doing it, but thankfully Ryan helped me out with not only doing laundry this week, but folding it all too. It's nice to come home after a long day of hard work to an amazing husband. Aren't I spoiled?

On a side note of other blessings: My sister Tammy gave birth to my nephew, Coal Smithson Flake this past Tuesday Night. Coal is perfectly healthy and weighed 9 lbs 2 oz and 22 inches long and he's doing great. After giving birth, Tammy couldn't stop bleeding. They did 4 D&C's and the bleeding still wouldn't stop. They finally had to give her a blood transfusion and "plug" her up with a lot of gauze to see if that would help stop the bleeding and if that didn't work, she would have to have a hysterectomy. Lets just say, we were all freaking out that night, not knowing what was going to happen. With lots of prayers and good doctors, the bleeding stopped and they didn't have to do a hysterectomy. Tammy has almost fully recovered and her and Coal were discharged from the hospital today. 

I'm so relieved that there weren't any further complications and it really makes me think. Ryan and I want to have a family someday, not now, but someday, and there are so many things that can go wrong with pregnancy. We don't even know if I will be able to get pregnant or have children, but even when that does happen, there are so many things that can go wrong, and who knows, maybe I'll have an issue with bleeding as well. I don't know, I guess I'm just grateful for the fact that as long as I have faith in knowing that what happens is the way it's meant to be, then I'll be fine. Does that make sense? Maybe not, but I'm so grateful for my amazing husband and family. I love having more nieces and nephews added to the family and can't wait to have children of my own someday if that's what's in the cards for us.

1 comment:

  1. Suzie, what you say about the whole pregnancy thing totally makes sense. When we decided to start having children nothing, and I mean nothing, went according to my plan. It was a hard lesson to learn and I am still learning, that we are not in control of our lives. We manage them, but the Lord is over all, and he really does know what is best for us. So I understand you completely. (We can talk about it later if you want)
