Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dig a little deeper!

Dig a little Deeper
"The Princess and the Frog"

Don't matter what you wear
How many rings you got on your finger
We don't care
Choir: (No we don't care)

Don't matter where you come from
Don't even matter what you are

A dog, a pig, a cow, a goat
Had 'em all in here (we had 'em all in here)

This is the part of the song that I listened to probably 50 times today. At least it's a fun, catchy song!

Today I taught 4th-6th graders 32 counts of choreography for auditioning for "Musical Express" at my nephews school. You might be wondering why, out of all people, would I teach the choreography, but basically, the teachers person flaked out, so I filled in! Pretty funny. But I'm really excited to be a part of "Musical Express and Musical Express Jr.".

What is it?

Basically it's two Show Choirs. Musical Express Jr. is for 1st-3rd graders and Musical Express is for 4th-6th graders. My nephew Tate auditioned today and did an awesome job. He had to sing 16 counts of a song and then do the choreography that I taught to the children. He did great!

Tomorrow is the Jr. group auditions and I'm going to assume that teaching the younger kids the 32 counts of Choreography is going to be a little more difficult.

But today was a lot of fun and I can't wait to help out with practices and the shows. I'm not going to be the choreographer(duh, and thank goodness) but I'm going to be assisting with the music. I'm excited. I have really missed doing theatre and choir, so I'm excited to be helping out and hopefully have some fun along the way!

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